So back in the day...when my dad and stepmom got married...when it was just me and my little brother, Chance, we used to have dinner at the table every night. Then they had my little sister, Addison, and dinners at the table started slowing down and it was dinner where ever you wanted most of the time. THEN they accidentally got prego with my little brother, Declan, and then it was fend for yourself, eat where you want, don't get in trouble or make me yell at you. However, when we would go visit my mom, we almost always had dinner at the table. I kinda liked it. A lot of my friends had dinner at the dinner table and it always seemed so nice and normal. I always wanted to have family dinners when I had kids too.
When I got married me and the ex used to eat at the table...but as soon as Bowen popped into our lives, I usually ate standing up in the kitchen while making bottles or cleaning and he watched tv and ate. Then it was just me and Bowen and he ate on his little table and I ate standing up in the kitchen next to him. THEN we moved in with Jason. Jason once told me that he wanted to have dinner at the table like he did when he was growing up. We didn't have a table until just recently. And Bowen has developed this serious issue with food, so he normally snacks all night and me and J would do dinner in front of the tv. Not what either of us really want.
Then this weekend a miracle (or curse) happened. You know when you live in apartment complexes and someone moves out there is a great chance of them leaving their furniture outside. Well it was our lucky day and they did just that. There was a pretty decent table and chairs outside and it fit perfectly in our little dining area. So I made Jason get it. (its just a short term thing...SOON we will get a nice brand new table...don't judge me a-hole!)
We took it inside and upon further inspection, the two chairs suck, buuut they can be replaced. (wally world here I come) The table is a little scratched (probably seen one too many nights of quarters and beer pong, but that just means we can do it too and not feel bad about ruining the table!) but it isn't too bad. All in all, its a-ok! (especially in a house where it will certainly be destroyed by trains and/or make up and hair dye)
Last night we tried our first dinner at the table. It was not all that I had imagined. Bowen didn't want to eat (duh) and kept swinging the computer chair that is serving as his chair into the side of the table. Jason got up from the table twice to see what drama was happening on tv...and I was exhausted and 1.5 seconds away from ripping what little hair I have out of my head. Bowen didn't eat (even after I begged him to eat one fish stick so we could go get ice cream...mostly bc I really wanted some) and was obnoxious and yelling. SO it was not the hunky dory, happy family meal I had envisioned. But I am going to give it another try. Maybe bring out a placemat or three out...try to make it LOOK fun and nice.
Either way...we got ONE more piece of furniture to pile crap on. AND when we have Thanksgiving dinner, we can sit at a cutely decorated table. (ok the decorations probably won't happen, but I can hope) And maybe, just maybe, Bowen will start eating dinner like a normal kid!! Orrr maybe I will take up having a glass of wine with dinner just so I can make it through it. ;-)
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