All over Facebook there are people posting what they are thankful for. I don't want to waste a facebook post on something everyone is doing (facebooks updates are only for serious stuff! ;-) ) so I am going to waste..I mean use...my phenomenal blogging skills to tell everyone about all the awesome things that I am thankful for.
Here we go...
1. Diet Pepsi. Uhh..shut up..this is my blog. I can be thankful for DP. And let me tell you, Jason and Bowen are thankful for it too. I am a serious biotch without this brown, bubbly liquid in my system.
2. Electricity. Yep, seriously. I mean, can you imagine NOT being able to use a microwave, watch TV, plug the computer in so you can check fb or twitter..I mean..the news and weather?? I couldn't. Until we moved into our apartment this year..then I didn't have to imagine..it was a reality. And it sucked serious ass. We didn't have lights, heat, a way to cook a quick lunch. It was awful. (It lasted like 3 hours, but for reals, it was a looong 3 hours)
3. Disposable diapers. Now my baby is out of diapers (except for a pull up at night), but I did use them for 3 years. And I thanked buddha every time I changed one. There is no way in hell I would use a cloth diaper and have all that extra work involved.
4. The iPod. Ok not only does this effing amazing creation hold all my bad ass tunes, but it can also act as a mini-babysitter. Need your kid to stop throwing things at the table behind you during a dinner out? Put on a movie on the iPod. Is your child begging for your attention while to try to cook, clean, pee? Let him play a game on the iPod. Seriously..I would be lost without my iTouch.
What?? Sorry...didn't hear you.. You don't think these are serious enough things to be thankful for??? Oh. Well..hold on a second and I will see what I can do. (I am a people pleaser, what can I say?)
1. My baby boy. Duh. I am obviously thankful for him. He is my whooole wide world. I love him to pieces and would be a lost without him. (even though he wrecked my body and drains my bank account)
2. My family. My daddy had cancer two years ago and (thank God) is now in remission. You really don't realize how much your parents mean to you and how much you need them until something happens. I love my parents more and more every day and miss my brothers and sisters ALL the time. Friends may come and go, but family is here forever.
3. J-Watson. So the man drives me effing insane. Sometimes I want to punch him in the throat. BUT he has been there for me through a lot of shizz (even held my hand through a biopsy) and is a great dad to my evil monster of a child. And (if he ever figures out that I run this show) I see a happy and love-filled future with us all together.
4. Jason's family. If it wasn't for his mama pushing it, Jason would have never been driven to come check me out at the office. But more importantly, they have all been very loving and have made me and Bowen feel right at home. (I think they all like Bowen more than me, but whatever..I can pretend its because they think I am really amazing)
5. Friends. When I moved to Vegas I left the best friends a girl could ever have behind. And then it took me for-freakin-ever to make friends here. (Vegas sucks like that ya'll.) But the few true friends I have made are awesome. And I definitely appreciate my friends back home even more. So I am definitely thankful for the people I can call my friends.
6. The bad times. Lord knows I have been through some shit. But I wouldn't be the strong person that I am today if I hadn't gone through all the bad. So I am thankful I wasn't handed everything on a silver platter, that I had to work for what I wanted, that I got tough love, and all the other crap that no one wants to get into detail about. At the end of the day, even though I have a bad mouth and will beat a bitch down, I know that I am a good person.
So there ya have it, folks. In a nutshell..this is what I am thankful for. I mean, the first list could have gone on and on and on. I hadn't even gotten to how thankful I am for shoes! SO everyone have a very happy Thanksgiving and if you are travelling, be safe!
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