Kids are so random. So today is just a blog of random shit that happened this weekend. I am sure there is more...but I have slept since then.
Yesterday Bowen was playing in his bedroom and I realized we needed to go to Target. So I went to get him and told him that I would buy him a toy if he went because I was just too tired to deal with the fight. He got all excited and said OK and ran to the door. This is what he had been doing in his room...changing his outfit. He was looking hot though.
He had on his red Thomas the Tank Engine pj pants, a tee shirt, then a blue plaid button down shirt on top, and his flip flops.
Some moms would have said he had to change...I offered him a hat..but he said no. (and the hat would have totally made the outfit)
Then last night I was folding laundry and he said, "Give me a kiss!". For my kid...this is weird...I normally have to beg for smoochers, or tell him I will only get him a cookie if he gives me a kiss. So I gave him a kiss and he went off to play. Then a few minutes later he came into my room and said, "I'm so happy your mine mommy!" Seriously..sweetest thing ever. He probably has no idea what the hell that means, but I sure love it.
And then there was this morning....I went in to wake up the beast (because thats what he is in the mornings) and he tells me, eyes still closed, "I can't wake up." I asked, "why not?" His reply, "There are snakes in my dredroom." I laughed and said, "what?" And he said, "Snakes, Mommy. In my dredroom. You have to kill them." And then rolled back over. Eventually he woke up and realized he had been dreaming....or that there were no snakes...either way..it was a good way to start the day.
And last but not least, we got to school this morning and of course, he wanted to be carried in. (let me tell you how dangerous this was, I am in platform 6 inch heels, carrying a bag, lunch box, keys, and a 40 pound kid) So I get him to the door and he yells, "Ouch!! YOU hurt mine PEEEENIS!!!" Umm...sorry kid...then he stomped to the door, lecturing me about not hurting his penis. Luckily, once we got inside he stopped talking about it, gave me a hug, and even said hey to the kids when they said, "Hi B-b-bowen!". (Like I said..good morning!!)
Oh kids...they are pretty entertaining. Sometimes I think we could even get rid of the cable, but then I remember that we wouldn't have a built in babysitter...I mean, we wouldn't be able to teach Bowen the wonders of the world. Who the hell am I kidding? Thank Jebus for Nick Jr and the Disney channel or I would lose my effing mind.
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