Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Language of....Love???

One of the best parts of being a mom is watching your baby grow and develop. And knowing that sooner or later you will not be up to your elbows in shitty diapers and SOME DAY you can tell your kid to make his own damn dinner because you are too tired. are how things have progessed...ok well some of it. Obviously he rolled over and then crawled and then walked. ALL kids do I am not even going to try to act like that was something special. PLUS we all know my child would never be average and he likes to do things in his own way.

Bowen never called me mommy or mama right away. My names have grown just like my bouncing baby boy. First I was called MA. Yea. Ma. Like, "Ma, where is the cracklin' bread?" or "Ma!! The chickens all got out!" (which fits since my name is Sarah parents must have hated me) I really did not love being called Ma.

Then it was mom. Now mom was better than ma. But isn't that what your teens call you? I wasn't prepared to NOT get the warm fuzzy feeling of hearing your baby call you mama or mommy. Instead I was mom...the food preparer and clothes folder...nothing more...nothing less.

But recently...over the past 6 months...I have evolved into Mommy. thing ever. I know it is kind of stupid, but Mommy is SO much more loving than Ma..or Mom. Even Jason noticed that Bowen can get almost anything he wants if he just puts mommy before or after it. For example, "Mommy I want chocolate milk." BAM...the kid gets the chocolate milk, doesn't matter if he hasn't eaten dinner yet or if he just threw a massive temper tantrum. Or, "I play in the sand mommy!", two seconds later he is outside playing in the sand box. Usually butt naked. Who has time for clothes when the sand box is waiting?

However, Jason can't talk. His name has changed a lot too! First it was Saysin, now it is Daysin and Daddy. Depending on the mood. I have noticed that it is usually Daddy when he is upset and Daysin for every other moment. Now..I don't know if being called Daddy gives Jason the same warm and fuzzy feeling (the last I heard, it was weird to him..but that was 3 or so months ago so maybe he has warmed up to the idea) but I LOVE it. And Jason actually calls himself 'Daysin' you can't tell me he doesn't get a kick out of his ever-evolving names. (He really is not the hard ass he tries to pretend he is)

All I know is that I am SO thankful to finally be branded MOMMY! It is an accomplishment I tell you! But along with the evolving names, come the evolving everything else. Bowen is talking up a storm lately. Sometimes it is SO adorable and I am the proudest mommy ever, other times I want to bang my head against the wall or hide.

It is nice to have Bowen TELL me what he wants, instead of guessing 6000 times. (most of the time this is the case...we still have our days though) Now he can say, "I want a coke." (we don't really give him coke, it is sprite, but he doesn't know that) Or he can say, "I want chips and queso." (his fav meal of all time) This is a nice change of pace. But of course, with the good comes the bad.

Sometimes when Bowen gets a spanking he will look at me and yell, "You no hit me mommy!!" This makes things a little more challenging. Or when Jason tells him something he says, "No talking to me Daysin!" (ok most of the time this happens when Jason is annoying him so I can't REALLY blame Bowen, but sometimes its not) And of course there is the repeating.

I have a potty mouth. I admit it!! I don't need the lectures or the tsk'ing that is going on right now. I know I have to be careful what I say. This is apparent on a weekly basis. So suck it..I really am working on it. LUCKILY the kid may repeat it once, but since we don't make a big deal about it, that is usually the only time it is said. Here are my two examples...One time..I was cleaning house (probably bc I was mad about something which means I was tornadically and carelessly cleaning) and I stubbed my toe really hard. Since I was in pain (obv the ONLY reason I would use such a profane word) I yelled, "OH F*^K!". Unfortunately Bowen was trailing behind me and yelled the same thing. Ooops. I immediately clamped my hands over my mouth...ok...and I giggled. is funny when your little kid says that. (bite me) Like I said...I am working on it. PLUS I was in pain!! And then there was today. Jason was telling me about the different stages of waking up Bowen was in. (he has like 35 stages) This was the conversation.

Me: Is my little love muffin waking up?
J: He is in stage one...he moved...but his eyes aren't open.
45 seconds later
J: Ohhh stage 2!! He is stretching!!
30 seconds after that Bowen says something angry and incoherent to Jason
J: Stage 3 the bitchiness has begun!
Bowen: I NOT bitchiness DAYSIN!!

He was just defending hisself ya'll!!!
Ok so we get it. We both talk about this every week that we really need to be careful of what we say..and we are getting better. But of course, we are human and sometimes a shit or damn or asshole MAY accidentally slip out.

Anyways, the best part of things lately has been how sweet Bowen can be. Last weekend he was giving me a big squeeze (a hug) and told me, "Mommy I wuv you fow-ever and ever and ever and ever." Omg...melted my heart. Or when he came in one morning and was letting me hold him and said, "Dis is my fami-wee." I didn't even know he knew what a family was. But once again, melted my heart. Now...its not always loves and hugs. Sometimes he says, "Its MINE!" or "I WANNA WATCH A BID-EO!!!" (video) at the top of his lungs. is fun to think of what he is going to say next. Last weekend he was telling me, "Use your imagination mommy!" and I am sure this week it will be something equally as entertaining.

We have obviously got the talking down, now if we can just get the peeing and pooping in the potty chair down...and maybe some sharing..or even a full night in his own bed once or twice a week..we would be in business!!!


  1. I like this post! Sarah you crack me up! The best thing that Kristopher, my five year old, does is his rhyming game! I cant laugh out loud, but just know I am cracking up inside. It usually goes like this...
    me: Kristopher what rhymes with truck
    K: (at the top of his lungs) truck, duck, luck, suck, fuck, puck, muck, shuck, tuck...
    LOL! He doesnt know that he has some not so nice words in there, and I don't want to teach him those are bad words because he will always want to say them. SO until he comes home from school with a note from his teacher, I will continue to laugh at my litle obscene rhyming child!

  2. I'm with you on the Mommy thing....I hate to be called Mother! It always sounds like it should have another word after it. Mommy or even Mom is much better!!! :)
