Every parents will admit that their kid is cute, smart, funny, and that being a parent is pretty awesome. But not every parent will admit that their kid, at some time, annoys the shit out of them. And trust me, their kid does annoy them at some point. Yes being a parent is an amazing, wonderful thing. It is a bond that can't be described in words. But...like all things you love...at one time or another, that thing you love more than anything in the world, drives you fucking nuts.
I love Bowen...I have written blogs about how amazing being a mom is, how Bowen is my reason for living. And I love Bowen more than anything in the whole wide world and would do anything and everything for him. But Bowen can be...a lot to handle some times.
Bowen's new thing is, "I can handle it". If something is too hot to eat and I remind him to blow on it before he eats it, he says, "MOM...I can HANDLE it." Fiiine. Burn your mouth. And don't cry to me when it happens. If he wants to have a cookie before dinner and I tell him no because he needs to eat dinner first he says, "I can handle it mom. I can eat a cookie and then handle my dinner." Or he wants to get a game out of the top of the closet where 400 things are stacked on top of it. I ask Bowen to let me help him and he, of course, chimes in, "I can handle it by myself!!" But I stand around the corner so when he tries and has three boxes fall on him I can come save the day. I hear "I can handle it" like 47 times a day. And I am SURE he can handle it. But I don't necessarily want him to. (He isn't supposed to be this grown up yet!)
And now he has attitude. I didn't think this happened until the teenage years. But boy was I wrong. Someone, named Bowen Holmes, can get a tone in 1.4 seconds and it usually isn't a nice one. So when I hear that I obviously tell him to cut the tone out. Ok...let me just explain. Friday I decided to take Bowen to the Magical Forest. I told Bowen I had a surprise to take him to. He saw the lights when we showed up and then the train and was stoked. We saw Santa, looked at lights, rode the train and the carousel. Then it was time to get our frozen asses into the car and go home. So we were in the car on our way to McDonalds (Since it was 830 and he hadn't eaten yet) and I asked Bowen if he had fun. "Yea...I guess...but it wasn't a surprise.", he answered sounding like a 15 yr old I just dragged to Dora on Ice. I said, "Yea it was...you didn't know you were going. It was fun! Did you like talking to Santa?" He gets really annoyed and says, "No. I didn't like it at all. I just want to go home." So...I may or may not have told him he was being a little shit and if that was the way he was going to act then we wouldn't do anything fun again. He apologized. I apologized. But STILL. Really??? I spent $40 bucks I didn't really have on taking him out to something MOST kids love and then he wants to be an asshole when we leave. It really pisses me off. (Obviously) So he needs to pipe the 15 year old attitude down and realize that his mom is trying. (Because I REALLY am trying!!)
Since Bowen is an only child and I am the only person at home with him, he gets my undivided attention like 90% of the time. It is very rare that I even get to watch a movie that I want to watch until Bowen is sleeping...but this weekend I turned a movie on downstairs for Bowen and I went upstairs to watch a movie. Bowen was upstairs every 5 minutes for the most ridiculous things. "Mommy, did you know that bugs..umm...bugs...have legs..and they..umm..they crawl." And then, "Mommy...umm Mommy...Mommy..I have..umm I have teeth". So I gave up on the movie. Or when I was hanging up Christmas lights he was trying to push over the ladder. Ok..listen the ladder is like 4 feet tall, so if I did fall, it wouldn't be the worst fall ever...but still! Or ANY TIME I am on the phone he decides to talk. Or I am doing my Jillian Michaels work out and he drops a weight on my foot when he was trying to show me how to do the work out. I know every other mom out there has had some form of this happen. Every single parent has. And what do we do?? We handle it. ((Because we HAVE to lol)) And we don't watch movies, and we risk breaking our necks to hang up lights because we know our baby will LOVE it and we apologize to our friends/coworkers/family a jillion times when we are on the phone. Because, as a parent, that is what ya gotta do.
But...we can admit it is annoying as shit. We can admit that some days our kids get on our damn nerves. I mean, our kids sure will (If they haven't already) be the first ones to tell you that you are annoying or pissing them off. Being a parent is rough. Kids don't come with an owner's manual and it is never easy. Being a mommy is amazing. Most days. And I wouldn't trade being a mommy for the world. Any day. Now sometimes it takes until the very end of the day, when the house is quiet and I can finally breathe to remember it, but I always, always do.