Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Not-So-Starving Artist

So..Bowen is in preschool and he is super smart. He can write his name, lots of different letters, lots of numbers, and he is an amazing artist. ((unfortunately I cannot say that he got that from me...but all the other good shit he does)) One of his teachers also told me he is very gifted and talented. Fact of the matter far, Bowen has his shit together education wise.

The other day Bowen brought a picture he drew in school of his family. ((I guess they were practicing stick figures..which Bowen is kind of beyond...but whatevs)) There was Jason on the left, me in the middle, and Bowen. Pretty awesome picture. AND me and Bowen had treats. Which makes everything better.

And then there was a picture on the back. Of Uncle Jeff. ((Uncle Jeff is Jason's roommate))

Uncle Jeff was a normal stick figure. With...a penis and balls. I was shocked and confused to say the least. Why the hell does Uncle Jeff have junk? And is it really that big? And how the hell does he know?!?! SOOOOOOO I did what any parent would do and posted that shit on facebook. (not the pic..but the sitch) And my good friend, who is studying psychology, totally teased me about it..but later told me to ask Bowen why he did it. So I did. And Bowen said, "Uhhh because he is a boy and boys have penises." And then later went on to a story about how Uncle Jeff was going to take a shower, so he had to be naked. (of course...of course...and here I was worried)

Anyways..I was a little freaked out. I mean the kid was super proud of his pics. (not just the penis one you dirty minded nerd) So the good friend told me that it was totally normal for kids his age..and to be prepared for when he starts playing with himself. And then, after I told the story to my therapist, she told me that since I was in the middle, and the biggest, AND had treats, it shows that I am the number one in his life and he understands that I am his main nurturer and caregiver. So BOOM. I am a good mom.

So...while I was first shocked by the pics...I am now totally cool with them now. And he was getting BRAGGED up in therapy last night when he drew "the lady with the couch" like 47 pictures of trains. ((I guess he is WAY ahead of his age group, drawing wise)) Needless to say, I am a proud mama. And now...suddenly super curious about Uncle Jeff!! ;-) Kidding kidding....

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