When I was growing up I was really into the Thundercats and The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Cool cartoons. Legendary cartoons. None of this Barney and Chuggington bullshit. I, of course, have a child who loves one of the shittiest cartoons ever. I am talking about Thomas the Tank Engine. WHY? WHY does he love this British cartoon? I mean who says "cheeky" and "bust my boilers"? Thomas..that is who. Anyways..he is slightly obsessed. And because I am an awesome mom I took him to A Day Out With Thomas like 2 years ago, back when I was single momming it. It was awful. So we skipped last year..but this year...I decided to give it another go. But this time..all Bowen knew was that we were going to California (bc lately he is obsessed with California)...not about Thomas.
So Friday I woke up sick. Sick enough to get sent home from work. I went to the dr that day and basically they did nothing for me. Jason suggested that I stay home and he would take Bowen to California to spend the day with Thomas. But this was a memory that I just couldn't miss. So I packed up a billion kleenex, some allergy medicine, tylenol, and grouchily got in the car.
We head out on our trip..where yelling (from me..I will admit it) immediately began. We had been driving for maybe 20 minutes when I said, "Oh F*&$!!!! I forgot the tickets!!!!" Because to ride Thomas you have to have tickets. So...we turned back around.
After we were seriously on the road we drove and drove and drove. Stopped at the infamous Peggy Sue's Diner. Let me just say...Peggy Sue has probably seen better days. It was disgusting. And disgusting is probably an understatement. Jason and I split the french dip and it was awful. I swear the meat had to be like a week old. Bowen wouldn't even touch his chicken nuggets. And the whole place made me feel like I needed a really hot shower. So...20 wasted bucks later we were back on the road.
We made it to our very nice hotel with an almost ran stop sign, me yelling a few times, and Jason getting confused by the GPS about 3 times. BUT we were alive.
Saturday morning, Bowen woke up at the ass crack of dawn asking if we were in California. I felt like death warmed over and tried to snooze a little longer. Once I was finally awake we went to breakfast and then headed to our final destination of Fillmore, CA. I don't know which town we slept in...all I know is that we stayed at the Hyatt and it was super duper nice.
On the way into Fillmore we had to stop at a train crossing and that is where Bowen found out his surprise. I saw that Thomas was on the back of the train so I told Bowen to look out the window and watch the train. And then he saw him! And his eyes lit up and he was SOO excited. It was totally worth the 6 hour drive while being sick.
We rode Thomas, colored some Thomas pictures, stamped with some Thomas stamps. Jason and Bowen went through the Thomas maze. And after about an hour and a half..we decided it was time to go home. ((Yes..we drove 6 hours for an hour and a half of 3 yr old bliss. MOM OF THE YEAR right here..))
Anyways...Poor Jason had to put up with a super cranky Sarah. And Bowen was cooped up in the car. But it was a good time. And a memory was made. And we all made it out alive. But the best part of the whoooole trip was when I threatened to bust Bowen's ass (don't remember why) and he replied with, "IF you bust my ass, I'm gonna bust your ass!!!"
I'm just glad we are on the same page now.
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