It has been a hot minute since my last blog. But I have been busy...and mostly, exhausted. So anyways...let me take you back two weeks..and tell you about Bowen's first baseball game.
Jason and I don't see eye to eye on most sports. I hate basketball. And I hate the Cowboys. He loves both. BUT...we do agree on baseball. I will be real honest..wasn't really into baseball before Jason. But now I LOVE it. And I LOOOOVE the Rangers. But mostly...I love Josh Hamilton. And CJ Wilson. And Ian Kinsler. So you get the point.
Well for Valentime's day I got Jason (well all of us) tickets to a Rangers spring training game. (It is way too expensive to go to a real game in Texas with the three of us) So...March 25th the three of us hopped in the car and made our way to Surprise, Arizona.
Saturday morning I woke up suuuuper excited about the game. I was hoping and praying I would catch a glimpse of Josh Hamilton himself and then we would ride off into the sunset.....I mean...wait...what?
So we all got up and dressed in our Rangers gear and went to breakfast. Then headed to the ballpark. And Surprise was surprisingly really nice. The stadium was new and wonderful. We watched the guys practice for a while before the game. One of the minor league players came out and talked to Bowen and gave him a high five. And then the equipment manager came out and gave Bowen a ball. (Which I immediately took away and held it lovingly because I am 100% sure that one of my boys, if not all of them, had it in their gorgeously crafted hands) Bowen didn't want to walk around and check things out, he wanted to get to his seat. He meant business. So we went to sit down and Jason grabbed me a margarita (delightful) and Bowen a slushie. Bowen was SO stoked over this. He made a huge mess with his RED (not smart since he was wearing white) drink.
We had some really sweet old folks behind us. (And I mean..sagging ears old) They were really nice...chatted with Bowen...chatted with Jason. (I am sure they would have chatted with me, but I was busy getting pics of CJ and Ian) During the National Anthem the old guys sang..which made me a little teary eyed. Normally the National Anthem makes me tear up, but I just felt like these old dudes really sang it like it meant something special to them. Even Bowen stayed quiet and put his hand over his heart. (it was the wrong hand..but he tried)
I watched a couple innings and Bowen and I took a potty break and hit up the concession stand. We had popcorn, a hot dog, and nachos! I mean..it was Bowen's FIRST baseball game..we had to have the works!
Then around the 4th inning Jason and Bowen got up to go pee and get another drink. I kept waiting and waiting...then the old lady behind me asked, "Did your family get lost?" and I thought maybe they did. Top of the 7th they came back..and I learned that Bowen had a major meltdown. MAJOR. I am just glad that I missed it.
We left in the middle of the 8th inning..we had to drive back home and we wanted to miss all the traffic leaving. And..for the most part had a good trip home. I may never ever want to hear the song 'My ADIDAS' by Run DMC again because Bowen played it until my ears bled. And I will never ever ever ever ever buy another car that does not have cruise control. (I know..completely ridiculous) BUT it was a pretty good drive home.
Anyways..point is...we had a great trip. It was a great memory (except that meltdown..which I know nothing about) and I can't wait to do it again. And I also can't wait for GreenEggs and Hamilton to kick everyone's ass in fantasy baseball this year. But I digress.
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