I think I hit the jackpot in kids. SO I know I told you how genius Bowen is like two weeks ago and that he was definitely going to find the cure for cancer or something. So I still totally believe this. But I also think he is going to be the next "it" actor. Like a cross between Brad Pitt and Ryan Reynolds. (Because BP has done awesome intense rolls and Ryan is a cutie patootie)
So Bowen is really dramatic. (no idea who he gets that from) If he falls down, he falls, but adds a few rolls and groans, and makes a very intense landing. And he can go from crying to happy in literally 2.4 seconds. One second he is telling me he broke his foot, and then BAM!!! He is wiping the tears away and has a smile on his face. I mean..I bet it takes James Franco hours to get from one intense mood to a happy one. Bowen has that shit on lockdown!! (plus Bowen is a big Spiderman fan...I mean we all know the good guys win!) And the kid memorizes shit like none other. For example, we read the same books before bed for like 4 weeks straight. After about a week he has the whole book memorized. And can tell you all about the characters. It is very, very impressive.
What led me to this revelation is Bowen's new Spiderman game. He pretends to be different things ALL the time. I personally love when he is a dinosaur because not only is he very intimidating, he goes in for the kill too. SO anyways, he is usually an animal of some sort, but lately he has been Spiderman. Now he has come up with a new game. The "tickle spiderman" game. We will be sitting around and he will say, "Mommy! Tickle Spiderman!!" He turns around so his back is facing me and I gently tickle his back and sides. He giggles for 14 seconds and then he whips his little head to the side and looks at you with these squinted, evil eyes and growls a little, showing his unevenly spaced teeth. And then he ATTACKS!! His little fists of fury start flying at your face and body as he beats you to a pulp! ((he windmills those arms like a chick in a fight for her man)) I don't really know why Spiderman beats the shit out of you after you tickle him like he asked, but the face is priceless. Like I'm not doing it any justice by trying to explain it, because it is just that awesome.
Anyways, the point is...my little boy is not only genius, but sure to be the next BIG actor. (Imagine Vincent Chase from Entourage, but it'd be real life!!!) I know ya'll are jealous. I mean I hit the jackpot fo sho!! Anyways..I can start taking autograph requests now...just let me know where to send it! ;-)
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