I really thought for sure that Bowen was out of that terrible 2's/3's stage. ((Anyone who has/had a toddler knows that the terrible 2's does not end at 2)) I mean, how can something SO cute and sweet and lovey be so EVIL?? But this weekend reminded me that we are not quite out of the woods yet.
Saturday we decided to take Bowen to the snow. (Mt. Charleston) Last year he had a blast and really it is cheap entertainment. So we get there and he is stoked. Literally jumping up and down on ice. We finally get everyone bundled up and make the trek to the hill where the sledding was going on. Bowen was having some issues walking in the snow. And there was a LOT of whining. I think I told him 6 times if he didn't stop talking to me like that (like an a-hole) and didn't stop whining we were going home. I went sliding (not sledding..sliding) with him like 6 times and decided my ass was frozen, so it was Jason's turn. The problem is...it took Bowen like 10 minutes to walk up the smallest hill because he kept "slipping". And I mean "slipping" because he is quite the actor and was SO dramatic. I am talking, rolled on the ground telling me how icey it was and that he couldn't do it. Anyways, we saw a few kids Bowen's age going up and down this tiny hill by themselves, so we tried it. And Bowen LOVED it. He was doing it all by himself, didn't want anyone to catch him when he went down, and had a HUGE smile on the whole time. After an hour and a half (and 27 almost-time outs) at the snow we decided it was time to head home. Bowen passed out before we even made it to the highway. Thank Jebus.
Saturday night was a doozie.
Jason and I were sitting on the couch watching UFC Fight For The Troops when we heard a large crash of a toys. I mean his room was already destroyed, so what else could he have been getting into. But I just told Jason, "I don't even want to go look." And ignored it. Then I heard the toilet flush and yelled, "Did you poop? Do I need to wipe your heiney?" ((this is VERY common at my house)) And Bowen told me just peed. I assumed (incorrectly) that he went back to playing trains. About 10 minutes later he came to the living room REEKING of Vick's Vapo-Rub. And then he reached his hand out and touched me...and I realized he was covered in Vick's. He had it in his hair, ALL OVER his shirt, on his face, and all over his hands. I ushered him into the shower and asked what he was doing. "I putting on lotion, mommy." was the response I got. So I got him in the shower and went to the bedroom to see the other damage. Jason was wiping Vick's off the train table and the train tracks tub. We got that situated, started a movie for Bowen...and thought all would be well.
Then, Bowen came into the living room and was talking to me and playing with his tool set. Then went back to his room to play. Out of the corner of my eye I saw him sneak under his train table with something in his hand. I asked him what he had and that only made him sneak farther under the table...a sure sign that he had something he shouldn't have. Jason went to see what it was..and yelled at me because it was nail polish! Bowen came into the living room to show me that he was trying to paint his toenails. (Really he painted all of his toes) We told Bowen he was not allowed to do that alone, he had to wait for mommy to help him.
Not 10 minutes later that little brat was climbing from the table to the kitchen counter trying to get candy! (BOTH grandma's are in trouble for buying Pez dispensers..they are horrible)
It was like he was just walking again and couldn't stay out of trouble. I was tempted to find the baby gates and lock him somewhere!! Thankfully he isn't like this every weekend or I would most definitely lose my mind. (or start drinking heavily)
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