Two years ago today I flew to Vegas for my first date with Jason S. Watson. The picture above is of our evening spent drinking copious amounts of booze, listening to the infamous Steel Panther, and having enough PDA to last a life time. (So sorry to Tony and Eric who had to witness it all..but not really) So for our two year anniversary...I dedicate this blog to our relationship.
Here is our story. (as told by me..from my point of view..if you don't like it, suck it)
Jason's amazing mom, Brenda, knew from the moment she met/saw me, that I was one of a kind and would light up her son's life. (seriously true) She told him that BWI had just interviewed a cute, bubbly, little blond girl that would be perfect for him. (also true) I don't know what he said..probably nothing because he is lame..but I got my first chance to meet this son she kept telling me about, like a week later.
My first impression of Jason...he was an asshole. I had been working at BWI like a week so when he walked in I asked who he was here to see and he just walked on by me and mumbled, "Brenda". So instantly I thought he was a punk. PLUS he was wearing baby blue basketball shorts and some college fraterntiy long sleeve shirt. So really..not impressed. Anyways, a few days later (the Friday after Thanksgiving) he came back in. There was a pumpkin roll at my desk which he tried and told me was good. And that..was it.
So I dated someone else (Tattoo Bob to be exact) and was doing my own thing when Jason came back in a few days before Christmas. I don't think he really talked to me..if he did..it certainly was not memorable. And then the day after Christmas he came back in and I think we chatted a little bit...whatever. So he left and then called me and asked me to go out with him. I had to decline (because my dad was going through chemo at the time and I was going to help the fam out), but we decided to stay in touch.
And that is where it all began. We became texting machines. Then he randomly began with the roses are red violets are blue. My first poem said this, "Roses are red, violets are blue. I'm hot like wasabi and can dance better than you." So...I mean..he gets an A for the creativity..not sure he should have insulted me, ESPECIALLY since he had no idea how amazing my dancing skills were at the time, but still creative. ANYWAYS...a few weeks later and one sweet text message saying, "Is it possible to miss someone without ever hanging out with them?" from Jason and I was on my way to Vegas to finally have a first date..weekend.
After dating long distance for a year we all moved in together. I still think Jason may have been drunk when he sent me the email asking me what I thought about moving to Vegas..but here we are. The first few months together were rough. And by rough, I mean it was like hiking at Red Rock in 6 inch platform heels while carrying a 100 pound dog while it is snowing. First there was the issue with Jason's taste in furniture and plates...I felt like I was living in a house of poo. Everything the man owns is BROWN. And then there was the grocery shopping disagreements. And just being used to living with him..and for him being used to living with me and Bowen.. Then you throw in drama with my ex husband, health issues, job issues... It was not easy. And it still isn't. But this is what I know, the first year of living with someone is always the hardest. So we made it through that...things have GOT to be headed in a less bumpy direction. (right???)
Jason and I have definitely had our fair share of really, really shitty times. We have yelled at each other, gone to bed mad, given each other the silent treatment, said hurtful things, and thought it was not going to work out. But we definitely have some good things going on. Jason is an amazing dad to Bowen. He has held my hand through biopsies and talked me out of anxiety attacks. He has made me laugh, made me cry, made me mad, and made me happy. We disagree..sometimes a lot...but at the end of the day, I know Jason will be there for me. (and let me tell you, that means a lot) No one is perfect, especially not me, so I am lucky I have someone who is willing to put up with the bullshit I throw at them and not just walk away. (Not that I don't put up with some bullshit too...just saying, he does have his hands full) Jason is a genuinely good guy and has a great heart. And he must have something going for him because I have yet to beat the shit out of him!!
Anyways...here is to you and I, Jason Watson. May this next year be filled with more nights like our first one, and less like....well you know. I love you!!!
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