It is a new year...and as much as I would like to think (hope) that it comes with a clean slate, us realists know that is not the case. The new year transferred last year's bills with it, didn't magically make me hate certain people less, didn't mend holes in my heart, and certainly did not come with a new, FULL bank account. SO...I don't see what the big deal is about new years.
At first I was COMPLETELY against making a new years resolution..or twelve. I mean, I never keep them, I work towards them for like a week, and then I see chili cheese fries January 3rd and it all goes downhill. (duh bc I ALWAYS want to lose weight every year) So why make a list of shit to do only to feel like a failure (again) because I couldn't manage to stick with it? I mean..really..my confidence needs a BOOST, not another slap in the face. However, I can't resist. And maybe it would do some good if I made a list of goals. So that way I have a little reminder in the back of my head that even though I want to lay on the couch and watch Entourage, I should definitely get up and play some Candy Land with the kid. (And then, once he is asleep, lustingly gaze into the tv at Vince and Turtle)
So of course, my resolutions are not that cool. They are the same as many folks...like lose weight, eat healthier, exercise more, be more patient, and spend more FUN time with my baby. But of course, because it is my way, I had to add a few more off the wall resolutions. Are you prepared??
1. Get another tattoo. ((I got it all picked out..now to find the funds and person))
2. Stop caring what people think so much. (Bc people, as a whole, suck ass, and I am tired of people)
3. Get a second job go-go dancing or something fun like that. ((Which means I HAVE to hit the gym for a hot minute))
4. Plan a vacation for me and J and DON'T stress over details. (Fat chance, but whatever)
5. Stand up for me more. (I know its hard to believe, but I have been biting my tongue about a lot of things lately, and I am tired of it)
6. Get another piercing. (Because you only live once, so eff it)
I mean really the list could go on and on and on. I have a lot I want to do and you never know if you'll be here tomorrow. So while I am putting together a will, (this is like number 15 on the serious goal list) I can also do something fun later. And maybe, just maybe, this year won't be filled with as many shitty life lessons. I doubt it. Because I only learn the hard way...but I can hope. And in the mean time...anyone know where I can go (in Vegas) for my new tattoo?!? :-)
Happy effing new year!
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