Monday, June 21, 2010

It Ain't Always Easy...But It's Always Worth It!

There are definitely a few positives to being a single mom. Let me list a few...

1. No sports EVER have to be on TV
2. You don't have to cook..ever.
3. No one is snoring in your ear creating more sleep for you
4. If you yell at your kid no one is there to look at you like you are crazy
5. You and your baby can lay in pajamas all day, never leave the house, eat crap, and watch movies and no one complains or suggests other things to do
6. You never have to re-organize the dishwasher, kitchen, living room, bathroom...well anywhere...bc you are the only one cleaning it and putting stuff in, on, or around it
7. There is a lot less laundry

There are more...but I don't want Watson to read this and get too worried.

I have been a single mom for almost all of B-Nasty's life. I think his father-like thing and I were together for almost 5 months after he was born. So really it has been just me and him forever. So when Watson and me and B became a was a big change. For us all...I think I was just more..vocal (emotional even?) about it.

Poor Watson has been through a lot the last 6 months. I got rid of everything..and I mean everything when we moved in together. So our first issue was the fact that I felt like I was living in someone else's house. And Watson and I have VERY different tastes in furniture and decoration. (I think I told him our house was shit my defense..there is a LOT of brown) Then there was the morning issues. B-Nasty and I are NOT morning people. Watson is a morning person (damn OLD people!). Omg I wanted to KILL him in the mornings. He was SO happy. Always wanting to talk, listen to music, dance around. And I hadn't even had my Diet Pepsi yet!! So we had to get used to eachother...all of us. (B-Nasty still refuses to be friendlier in the mornings, but most of the time Watson remembers not to talk, touch, look at, or dance near him) On a more serious note, Watson had to sit through me going through a biopsy. Actually...we had to go through one crappy dr..wait for results...go to a new dr...wait for results..then go do the biopsy, so like 2 months of worrying and waiting. Gotta meant a lot for him to be there and hold my hand through that. And we are still going through another legal battle with my ex. After one fight about it, we now usually agree. There have been many a issue about little things (me not putting lids on correctly) and even bigger things (different outlooks on life), but we have managed to keep it together somehow. (It is kind of a miracle)

So Watson really deserves a lot. (I mean I cook and clean and do laundry...and we sleep in the same bed...sooooo he gets that, I mean what more could he want?) But let me tell you, there are very few men who want to take on me, my ailments, my ex, and my lovebug of a boy. And this year was his first fathers day!

My perfect plan for his fathers day would be for us to be at a resort in Cancun (or Cabo or Cozumel) and child free. (I said it was perfect) However, since we all live together, poor Watson's funds have been low (and lets face it...I have never had any to spare). So he got a daddy's day filled with cards (Dude, are like 4 bucks a pop now..Hallmark is making a killing) and meals paid him. He DID get a few hours alone, relaxing at the pool, while B-Nasty and napped. And even a burnt orange cooler with a Longhorn on the side. (Blehh I hate the longhorns) Oh and a book. So I could have been worse. (we could have done nothing for him) But to be real honest, I don't know WHAT to do for a dad. I have always been mom AND dad, and a pedicure or some shoes would work JUST fine for me. I wish it could have been a little more special and creative. (In my defense I was out of town ALL weekend and flew in that morning to spend the day with him) but even then I don't know if I could have let him really, truly, know how much he means to me and B and how great of a dad he is.

So...I am going to tell it to the world. Watson is an awesome dad and here is why!

1. He is not B's real dad, but he loves him like his own
2. He has put more pics of B on his facebook in the last 8 months, than of anyone else ( stupid as it is..melted my heart a little)
3. He stayed with B-Nasty all weekend and we are potty training
4. B peed on him this weekend and he did not get mad
5. He is coaching B's soccer team
6. He likes to snuggle with B when B gets in our bed (ooops...this was prolly supposed to be a secret)
7. He researches and asks for advice on new issues we have with B (like potty training)
8. He went to daycare and checked on B when he had his first day there
9. Did I say he genuinely loves him???

There are a million more reasons why Watson is a great dad. Like tons. But I refuse to be too sentimental in front of everyone...and it is probably boring for you.

So here is to Watson! My AM energized, brown furniture loving, tap water drinking boyfriend! Thanks for always being there for me and being a wonderful dad to my son! He loves you (even if he doesn't tell you on a regular basis) and I think you will make an awesome father to our other children (whenever it is I can talk you into knocking me up again!)! I know there are probably times you want to go back to your easy going, single, child free life...but we love you and wouldn't go back to our lazy, yelling filled, junk food life style for anything.

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