One of the best feelings ever is when you go pick your baby up from daycare and they see you, stop everything, and run to you, arms wide open and give you a big ol' hug! I normally do not get to experience this very often, Jason does the picking up from school and I do the dropping off. (And to be honest, the dropping off sucks...I have to deal with tears and "mommy don't weaaaave me!"..he gets the hug) Yesterday I picked Bowen up from school and got the biggest hug ever! And after I got my hug I picked him up and he put his chubby little hand on my cheek, looked into my eyes, and said, "Mommy, I so happy you're here." O.M.G. MELT MY HEART!!!
I have been having serious issues with this whole baby growing up thing. I mean, in a few short months Bowen will be 4 years old!!! It is like so much has changed already and I am not really ready to let go of the "baby"..I want to keep him around for a while longer. Don't get me wrong..I love that we don't have binkies or diapers or bottles...love that...but I miss the sweet little rolly poley too! Even Jason has recently said, "This boy is getting too big!" So I must not be the only crazy one.
Now..I hate to be the sentimental sweet mommy...but this new birth control has actually made me MORE sentimental than normal...so..let me tell you how it has been.
Bowen and I got to spend all day Sunday together. And I loved every minute of it. We went to lunch at Chimy's and had some chips and queso. Then we went to find Jason a new shirt for his birthday. Bowen didn't even want his stroller he wanted to walk. (Which was good and bad) We were in Macy's looking around at shirts and all of a sudden he grabs his butt and says, "I HAVE TO POOP!!!". Of course there wasn't a bathroom nearby so I picked him up like a football, and RAN to the food court. While running with him (Which was more like a retarded jog bc the kid weighs 40 pounds and was moving) he is yelling, "HURRY MOMMY!! THE POOP IS GOING TO COME OUT!!!". (This is what made me miss the stroller) We made it to the bathroom and I get him on a toilet. And he starts singing the ABC's. And then he was talking about everything from his shoes, to my purse, to the fact that Mommy's and Daddy's poop too. FINALLY he finished up and turned around to flush, but first, had to announce that his poop was green. (No idea wtf he has been eating) After the pooping we went back to find a shirt. He would hide in the racks and sing, "Trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat.", and then I had to say, "If you don't, I don't care, I'll pull down your underwear!". I am SURE the Macy's customers thought we were crazy. But every time I said underwear he would laugh HYSTERICALLY! So it was worth it.
It's not even these BIG moments that make it seem like Bowen is growing up way too fast, but the little things. Like how he used to play with my hair when he was sleepy, now he plays with his own. How he used to snuggle with me on the couch...now he wants his own pillow. And, of course, he can do everything by himself. I knew all of these things would come..I just didn't think it'd happen so fast. Some days I just want to freeze time and savor every sweet second. (holy shit...I am scaring myself with the mushiness)
While these moments probably seem disgusting and obnoxious to many, I definitely think they are amazing. Before I know it he won't even be seen at the mall with me! And obviously I enjoy the after school hugs more than the mall/poop/running thing. I am looking forward to the first day of school (kind of), the first time he rides a bike (I think), and maybe even prom (MAYBE). I just can't believe he is such a big boy already! Time really does fly...and I would like it to stop.
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