SO....Friday night was epic. EPIC. Now normally I blog about my kid. But this is worthy of a blog just about me. And Jason. And Kid Rock.
Friday night was the Zuffa holiday party. I started January 7th of this year and had just missed the Christmas party of 2009. However, I have been filled in on it and it's happenings for a year now. I knew that this year the Christmas party would be just as bad ass as last years. And I was stoked.
Ok, so Friday night Jason picked up Bowen, and a pizza, and handled business with the babysitter. (Meaning, he told her the situation, time we would be home, etc etc..not handle BizNass..ya know...bc thats not ok) I got ready at work and stopped at the 7-11 nearby for gas so I could make it to Red Rock. After getting gas my car would not start. I was already running late so this was no bueno. I called Jason, he said try to get someone to give you a jump. Umm..I don't think he realizes what kind of peeps hang out around that 7-11, but it is certainly not somewhere I like to hang alone. BUT I was late to the cocktail hour and I needed help. So I walk into 7-11 and see a nicely dressed dude. (He wasn't bad looking either) I ask, "Hey is that your truck outside?" and he says, "No." So I said, "Well I don't really care what you drive, but can you jump me?" Well..maybe I should explain that I looked like I was ready for a night out at the club. So...maybe that should have been re-phrased. Anyways, the dude was nice and said for sure. I showed him my jeep and he said he would be out shortly. He came out, introduced himself, told me he worked for a car company, gave me his card, jumped my car, and I was on my merry way.
OK...so I finally get to the cocktail hour..only a few minutes late. And it was AWESOME. There was a bar made of ice. And a chandelier made of ice. An open bar might I add. And an amazing amazing amazing buffet. I mingled and decided to eat with Andrea...Jason was still MIA, but said he was on his way. ((Sorry J..but I had to eat because my first Jack and seven was already hitting me)) Jason finally shows up, eats, we go around and take pics at these little booths they have set up. It was a great night already. And then Dana announces we need to make our way downstairs to some lounge for a video presentation.
I knew about the video presentation bc I was in it and they told me. The Zuffa production team did a re-make of the The Night Before Christmas. So we make our way down to the lounge and watch the video..which was awesome. And a dj comes on. I was stoked. It was a great night already. I went to the bar to get another drink. (Don't ask me how many I had at this point..I am assuming...4 or 5) And Kid Rock came on stage. KID ROCK.
I love Kid Rock. Went to see him with my mom back in da day. Yep. KID ROCK. At our company Christmas party. I, of course, squeezed my way up to the front. Where I leaned over the stage and touched his leg. TOUCHED. HIS. LEG. Jason also noticed that we were standing like 3 feet away from Cindy Crawford. So he was stoked.
So Kid Rock played for like an hour. After that I got molested by a drunken female co-worker (Ok..everyone was drunk by that time..so its not like she was standing out) and was dancing. Went down the dance floor and me and Jason danced and danced and danced. And drank and drank and drank.
I think we made our way home around 1ish...I mean we had to pay a babysitter and all. I may or may not have taken a small snooze on the 30 minute drive home.
And Saturday I felt like someone had beaten my legs and feet with a baseball bat. BUT it was a good night. A great night.
And I know all you are jealous that you couldn't attend or be employed at such a bad ass company. (Unless you are of course, employed by the same company, and in that case, wasn't it an effing awesome night?!?!)
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