We have a problem. A potty mouth problem. I know everyone knows that I cuss like a sailor. Its been like this for quite a while now and I don't see any major changes coming on. And apparently I have rubbed off on Jason. So that leads us to a problem with a 3 1/2 foot tall little boy.
Saturday (after the epic party of 2010) Jason, Bowen, and I were laying in our dark bedroom and I was talking to my bff Andrea about the night before's happenings. And Jason reads Dana's tweet from the night before. Where he, of course, drops an f-bomb. With a mother in front of it. So...Bowen repeats, "M-Fer". Andrea laughs, I said "OMG JASON!!!" and Jason laughs. Because it is really hilarious to hear a sweet little boy say that. Don't judge me. So then I told Bowen that that was a big boy word and he could not say it. We haven't heard it again...so I think we are ok.
Anyways...before I get too deep into this post. I don't want any advice. I don't want anyone telling me how bad I am or Jason is. We don't care what you think. (Well Jason might) And OBVIOUSLY we don't want out three year old walking around saying cuss words. If I wanted an opinion I would ask for one. Just keep that in mind. And lighten up. Have a giggle. And remember that you are not perfect and you did not raise perfect children. In fact, I am pretty sure this has happened to you too. So...keep that in mind when reading this any further.
So then we were playing in the living room and Bowen drops a toy and says, "Damn!" Ok really..damn isn't that bad. But once again...I explained that it was a big boy word and he doesn't say that. AND THEN..I was in the kitchen cooking lasagna. (Which was delicious just in case you were wondering) and Jason was doing God knows what in the laundry area, and Bowen was walking around the living room looking for something. And I hear a very quiet, "F*^$. F*^$." repeated. A few times. Now...I ignored it. Plus...he was very seriously searching for a toy. And I can tell you, I have repeated the same word in the same tone when looking for something. Like an earring, or my keys, or a credit card. So I went on cooking. And Jason bellows, "WHAT is he saying?!?!?". Thankfully for Bowen and I, Bowen went to his room to play and I just shrugged and said, "I couldn't hear him."
We made it through Saturday with no more cuss word outbursts. And then Sunday rolled around. We were driving to the mall and Bowen is in the backseat and lets out this big sigh with an equally exasperated, "Shit." It was like he was expressing what we were thinking. We were about to battle the Christmas shopping, evil herd of the Galleria mall. I was trying to contain my giggling and so Jason told Bowen that he could not say that. (pretty sure he followed that up with a, "Do you understand?" which Bowen probably said "Yes" to) And then Jason said, "Well I have to take the blame for that one because that sounded JUST like me." SEE!! Its not all my fault.
Anyways, we haven't got a call from daycare, so thats a plus. And its not like he says bad words all the time. I think this weekend he was just being extra..expressive. So whatever. I am STILL a firm believer that kids need to learn they can't say certain things. I am 2-freaking-4 years old and if I want to say shit, asshole, or f*^%tard then I am going to say it.
Right on sista!!!!