Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Free Your Mind...Supposedly The Rest Will Follow

I have taken a little sabbatical from the blog, because my life has been a little depressing. No one wants to read that shit. If you want to be depressed, just turn on the news. I don't want to be Debbie Downer, so I don't write when I am not able to turn it into Suzy Sunshine. Just fucking kidding. Have I ever been Suzy Sunshine?

Anyways, let me sum up the last few months....

In July we found out my Dad's cancer was back. In August I moved back to Midland to be with my family. And now, in September, here we are.

I never thought I'd see the day that I would be living back in Midland, Texas. Neva eva. But here I am and it isn't nearly as awful as I thought it would be. I love being able to have help with Bowen and being around my family. So, yea things could be worse. And, I am actually happy. GASP. I know.

Anyways, I decided to blog today because of something my little, sweet angel (who also poses as an evil monster) said last night.

We were talking about medical insurance before and after my Dad dies due to the new Obamacare thing. (I don't care what you're opinion on that whole thing is...I don't want to debate it. If you like it, great, if you don't, join the club) Anyways, Bowen was devouring his dinner so I didn't think that he was listening and then all of a sudden we hear....

"Mom, when your dad dies, he dies. That's it. Game over."

And we all looked at each other and laughed. Because he is right. It is a little refreshing to hear someone just be straight forward and real. No sugar coating.

Anyways, my Dad posted about it on his facebook. And then...all hell broke loose. (If you believe in hell. And apparently if you don't, that is bad. I learned that on said post)

Here is the deal... I am really open minded. I don't care if you are gay/straight/Christian/Atheist/A Cowboys fan/so on and so forth... If you don't shove your beliefs down my throat, we will be just fine. We are all different, no two people had the same life experiences or same parents (thank the fuck) so we all have different perspectives on life. And we can all learn a little something from someone else. It is really a beautiful thing.

I raise (or am trying to raise) my kiddo to see that. Just because you feel differently about something than someone else, does not make you right or them wrong. It just makes you different. And, holy fucking shit, that is totally ok. ((Obviously there are exceptions to this, but let's not make this more difficult than it has to be))

Anyways, someone told my Dad he needed to teach my son about Jesus. My Dad replied that it will be his decision to make when he is older. That was not good enough for this person so she mentioned again how my little one needs to start learning now. I wasn't mad, I was just like, whoa broad, calm your tits and then replied and let her know that, as his mother, I am trying to teach him about all religions and beliefs and he can make the decision when he is old enough. She told me that was sad. So I just left it at that. It is sad that she can say such things to someone she knows literally nothing about.

I kind of want to send her a link to that En Vogue song, Free Your Mind, because she literally needs to free her mind. Lighten up, lady, and open the mind. It is really nice out here in the land of the free and non-judgemental. And, if I ever met her in real life, I would have a hard time not poking her in the eye or something like that. It really annoys me when I give everyone the benefit of the doubt, ajm open to people's thoughts and beliefs, don't judge people (or try my best not to), and then have people like THAT imply that I am doing wrong with raising my child. Bitch, I will cut you.

Anyways, moral of the story...before I overthink it and I get violent...remember it is ok for people to believe in things that you don't. Or have a different opinion. Also, open your mind and learn something from someone else's story. Also...when you die..you are done..that is it...game over. All of that. Keep that in mind during this lovely day.

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