Thursday, June 13, 2013
Happy Burfday Bowen Holmes
Tomorrow (June 14th) at 10:12am central time, my little monster of a child will turn 6 years old. It makes me feel old. And I can't believe it has been 6 years already. AND pats on the fucking back to me for not only keeping him alive, but for raising such a smart and polite little dude. I know some people had (Ok have) their doubts, but you've gotta give credit where credit is due. So fucking pass it out!!
Bowen is a pretty awesome kid. He is smart, polite, cute, and thoughtful.
I could go on and on and on about how amazing my kid is, but that will make people jealous and I am not in the heart breaking mood at the moment, so I'll spare them. At least for today.
I have seen all these crafty moms doing these little things pictures of their kid on their birthday and next to the kid is a chalkboard of the kid's favorite things. I don't have a chalkboard, nor the handwriting to do such a thing. So I am just gonna make a little list.
Bowen's Favorite Things
Cartoon: OLD SCHOOL Mickey Mouse...when he was MR Mouse.
((Funny story, we were watching Mr Mouse the other night and he asked why it wasn't called Mickey Mouse. So I said well this is an old cartoon and it was Mr Mouse before Mickey. So very casually my kid says, "Oh because Mr Mouse got ate by a cat?" Me: "umm no" Bowen: "Oh he just died because he is old?" Me: "What? No. What is with the dying?" Bowen: "Everyone croaks some day, Mom." ))
Food: Chips and queso (duh)
Drink: Jack Daniels
Kidding..chocolate milk is what he really likes.
Color: Orange
When he grows up he wants to be: An artist and/or construction worker
((Nine times out of ten he tells me he wants to be an artist and he will have paintings in a studio and I can go look at them, but I can't have one. But that ONE time, he says he wants to be a construction worker. I dunno what that is all about...but whatever))
Song: Song 2 by Blur
((I officially hate this fucking song now...WHOOOHOOOOO))
Movie: Despicable Me and Nightmare Before Christmas
Wants: A puppy
Does NOT want: a brother or sister
Loves: video games, drawing, reading Captain Underpants books, and playing the game Trouble.
Ok that is all I can think of...I dunno what else we are supposed to say. I could probably find it on Pinterest, but then it makes me feel bad because I am not a scrapbooking, memory box keeping type of Mom. The only thing I've got going for me is that now everything we do I can put on the internet, so I have memories FOREVER. And the entire world can share them too!!
Anyways, seems just like yesterday that my oldest sister was trying to feed my macaroni and cheese and trying to use the hospital computers while my mom held my hands so I could get an epidural. And 26 hours later that little shit came into the world all grey and dead-like. Now look at him... 52 inches and 55 pounds of blue-eyed, blond-haired craziness. Bowen and I have been through a lot and even though some days he makes me cry/yell in the cereal aisle at the grocery store, I cannot imagine not having him around. He is my everything.
Now....I have to go to sleep because I have to workout so I can take him out for breakfast before summer camp....and so I can eat his popcorn and candy at the movies tomorrow night. What?? I ruined my body for him..I deserve some treats too!!
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