The blog is back people!! Whooohooo! Oh...you're not that excited? Damn...well the hiatus is over. And it wasn't because I wanted to take one, but I had to. But what is really important is that it is back in action.
So where to begin???? So much has happened. Ok not really..its not like our lives are THAT full of fun and excitement.
Well....one thing that I wished I could have shared was Bowen's first "you show me yours and I'll show you mine" moment. It went a little something like this......
Jason was out of town for two weeks, so of course this would happen when I was all alone and had no idea how to deal. I went to pick Bowen up one day after school like usual. The normal teacher was there and then Miss Justice was there...she is usually gone by then, but I thought maybe they had just been busy or something. So I pick Bowen up and am ready to walk out the door when I hear this....
"Sarah...I stayed late because something happened with our kids."
Instantly I got all sweaty and flushed and started thinking the worst things imaginable. I managed to say...ok...what happened.
"Well..it was during nap time and I was trying to get one kid to go to sleep, so most of my attention was focused there. I didn't even see this happen, but Miss Terry walked in and saw my daughter with her pants down showing Bowen her goods and Bowen pulling down his pants..."
"I have no idea why she would do this! I mean, her dad and I are never intimate in front of her or anything! I am soooo embarrassed and sorry!"
I was in shock. I mean 3 years old!?!? I thought this happened when they were like 6 or something!
"Miss Terry walked in and saw it and we both explained to Tina and Bowen that we keep our privates covered up in our clothes and we aren't supposed to show them to anyone. Anyways, I am really embarrassed about all of this...I just wanted to let you know what happened."
So I finally speak up...sorta..because I don't know how to handle this. "Well..it was bound to happen I guess. Sorry your daughter had to be disappointed with her first look at manhood. Oh well...its always something right?"
And I grabbed Bowen and went to the car. I mean...wtf. Seriously. I know kids are curious and all that jazz. Bowen's hand is always down his pants..so I should have been expecting this. But of course, I thought I had a few years to prepare myself. Maybe we need to start discussing the birds and the bees??? (kidding of course)
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