Over the last few months it has become painfully clear that my baby is not a baby anymore. He is definitely a kid. (not even a toddler...a kid) It amazes me that just 6 months ago he was wearing diapers, always had a paci in his mouth, and not only expected, but NEEDED me to do basically everything for him. Let me tell you...a whole hell of a lot has changed.
Bowen is finally potty trained. Thank sweet baby Jesus! Its like having a raise. Now we only need a diaper at bed time and nap time and some times we can re-use them because he doesn't always pee in them. It is fan-frikkin-tastic! Plus I love seeing him run around in boxer briefs. He is like a little man!! (especially when he starts grabbing his junk...like wtf...we know its there guys, it didn't just disappear, leave it alone for a few)
You know, I was so excited for the independent stage so I could have a break. I was stoked to think that at some point I could tell Bowen to turn off his light, or pick up his toys, and he could do it without help. What I wasn't thinking of was how much longer everything takes. Now he wants to choose what he wears. (usually its just his undies, thank God) So I hold up two pairs...every morning its, "Bowen, batman or spiderman?" and he stands there, "Bowen...batman or spiderman...hurry up!"...more standing...and then this, "Spwiderman". And then he wants to put them on himself. First he puts both legs in one hole, I offer to help, he says no. Then he gets them inside out...once again I offer to help...nope. FINALLY he gets them right side out and both legs in both holes, but they are on backwards. I don't argue though because at that point 10 minutes have wasted away. He usually chooses a shirt...he doesn't care what pants he wears, he would definitely prefer not to wear any. (can't say that I blame him) I love that he is doing things on his own. Like before we leave for school he turns of the lights and the tv. He can be helpful, ya'll! But damn....sometimes you oversleep, haven't had a sip of caffeine, and these "wonderful" things take 20 minutes too long and you're at the end of your rope. (or is this just me?)
And one of the best things is that the kid can tell you shit...like shit you need to know AND it makes sense. Don't get me wrong, he still has the baby accent thing...you know what I am talking about...instead of chocolate milk its chwockwat milk, but you can actually communicate with him. The other night he had a tummy ache, know how I knew? HE TOLD ME!! He kept rolling around in bed and whining and I was pretty concerned so I asked him what was wrong (after I tried snuggling him and loving him) and he said, "My tummy hurts!" Swear to God, the heavens opened and the angels sang. Then it was just a matter of me fixing it. (wtf do you give a 3 yr old with a tummy ache? Pretty sure its not pepto, right?...I gave him prune juice...just asking though) And then the other night I gave him chicken nuggets and french fries for dinner and not only did he say thanks but then he asked me for ketchup! (the ketchup is new..he never asks for that..another sign of a kid)
It really didn't HIT me that he was a kid until this weekend when we busted out the home videos. We recorded Bowen singing the ABC's (so effing cute) and twinkle twinkle and then watched some of the stuff we had on the camera. OMG...I cried...like a total biotch. I mean there he was just 7 months ago, paci in mouth, shorter, rollier, talking to me about his "goldfish" we just bought him. SO adorable. And BABY-like. Now he smacks me and tells me to get him a cookie and when I stand up he is half my height. It is ridiculous how time flies. It seems like yesterday I was laying in a hospital bed crying because I didn't want to try to push the damn thing out anymore. And NOW he is a walking, talking force to be reckoned with. (no idea who he gets that from) Where has the time gone? And now I am sitting here getting all sentimental and teary eyed and counting down the hours till I can go to daycare and have him run up to me yelling "MY MOMMYS HERE" and give me hugs...damn kids ruin you.
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