I am not a shy person. (ok sometimes I get shy..but not often) I have no problem talking about bodily functions, the gross parts of being pregnant, and giving birth. I was pretty much always this way, but it has definitely gotten worse since I had Bowen. Once you have had 10 people in a birthing suite with you while you are exposed to the world, looking like hell, and crying, there is no turning back. And then when baby is here, you are doomed to have to walk around a store or restaurant with poop or puke all over you...it is destined to happen. Anyways, the point is, I have no shame, I am loud and obnoxious, and don't embarrass easily. But I am living with a man who is the opposite. (but I love him anyways)
So last night we were getting ready for bed and Jason went to the bathroom. (I was assuming to pee) Here is how our conversation went (sorta):
Me: Why don't you pee with the door open?
J: I'm not peeing, I'm brushing my teeth!
Me: Ok whatever, why don't you pee with the door open? I have seen it before. ((yea yea...we didn't wait till marriage..ooops...))
J: I don't think it is polite to pee with the door open. I don't want you to drop a deuce with the door open.
Me: Well I would never poo with the door open. SOME things are private. But really..I pee with the door open...you have seen it all before. Its not gross its just normal.
J: I just don't feel comfortable with it. That is it!
Me: Well when are you going to be comfortable? Like when are we going to reach the stage when I can fart in front of you? Sometimes I am gassy and I have to do it and it is getting really hard to hold it all in. ((This was said bc I knew it would make him MORE uncomfortable and it worked...not bc I really had to fart. I didn't. Swear.))
J: Omg Sarah we are not talking about this!
Me: Well I think its weird. And sometimes I just need to let one rip.
Jason rolled his eyes...and blushed a little.
Me: I feel a blog coming on about this....
(Atleast I warned him about the blog.)
So I don't get it. I was married before and I can't tell you how many mornings the ex would come in and pee when I was in the shower. (ok it was like every single one) Or he may be brushing his teeth and I would sit down to pee. Its just pee!! I mean yea it would be sick if he was going number two...but there was nothing dirty going on. And there was NO issue with the farting. I mean he would let em go at any time...yea it was gross. But most of our marriage I was prego so you know one slipped from me a time or two. Just saying. Don't be getting all grossed out, it is a part of life. And EVERYONE does it. Anyways...on to the next subject.
I am like an at-home stripper. (without the pole) I hate wearing clothes. Especially clothes that are not sweats and a tee shirt. The first thing I do when I get home is drop my bags and take off my shoes. Then I begin the strip. Sometimes there is a bra in the living room, sometimes a shirt comes off in the dining room, then pants in the kitchen. Anyways, basically, I am bound to be naked in any part of the house at some point during the day. Jason has more than once shook his head in disbelief (or something) or rolled his eyes when this is going on. One day the blinds on the sliding glass door was open and I was stripping in the kitchen (the laundry area is nearby so I can throw clothes into that area from the kitchen and get a snack at the same time) and Jason told me that the neighbors might see me! Well...its my house...and hey they might get a good show! Jason is never seen naked in a common area. He gets dressed and undressed in the bedroom or bathroom. Even after a shower he is in a towel until he gets dressed. We are exact opposites in this area.
And then there is my mouth! I have a filter, ya'll, I swear...it just may not filter as much as some people would like. Here is the thing, basically I tell you what I think. And no subject is off limits. Kama sutra may come up randomly...I am right up in the middle of that convo. Saggy boobs, cellulite, lap dance classes...whatever...I have no problem discussing anything. And of course there are those times when someone says or asks you something and..like I said...I tell you what I think. I am usually nice about it, but I tend to not put up with any bullshit. (ok sometimes I put up with it for a while...but it is bound to come out eventually) Jason is the most NON-confrontational person I know. (drives me effing nuts) He would walk 4 miles out of the way if it would make someone else happy. I am not that nice. (I don't like to walk...what do you expect?) I think it is admirable to have that much patience and be that nice. But that isn't me. Basically, if you screw me over, I am done. If you ask me a question, expect an honest answer. If you say something that is offensive, I am more than likely going to tell you how I feel. (and it may or may not include an F bomb) Since living with Jason I have ended up biting my tongue way more than I used to. Not with him, just certain situations that have come up. Jason may put up with something forever, but I can only handle things for a little while. If you aren't nice to me I can be ok with it for a while, but if it is still the same thing time and time again I am done. And when I am done...I am seriously done. Jason doesn't get that, but I don't understand his way of doing things either. But I love him for it. He doesn't say things when I would, he deals with a lot more than I would, and honestly, it is refreshing. He has patience and understanding that I don't necessarily understand, but (usually) admire.
Anyways...I am suuure we are not the only people like this. I mean...there are like 98 billion people on the planet, so there has to be atleast ONE couple who is this way. Right?? Anyways, it boils down to this...I think Jason is weird for being so private and quiet and non-confrontational, I am sure he thinks I am weird for being so open and loud and all-up-in-your-grill. But you know what they say...opposites attract. ((But for real, I just want to be present when he does let the filter go and flips out on someone. Seriously!!!))
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