Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Please, STFU! KThx

Ya'll...I have to tell you, I thought I was Monica Lewinsky for a few minutes today. I had so much political D being shoved down my throat via Twitter and Facebook and Instagram and office talk and radio ((from the dems and repubs)) that I had to make sure I wasn't wearing a stained blue dress. I am SO thankful this election is over. Mostly because I was about to stab my ear holes with my scissors and gouge my eyes out with a spoon.

Don't get me wrong. I am glad you have an opinion and I am glad you voted!! YAY we are Americans and have that right!! Thank the fuck! However, I have realized just how backstabbing, rude, close minded and uneducated some people can be. Some people I consider friends.

My parents always taught me that everyone has the right to their own opinion and beliefs. You don't have to believe them. We aren't fucking sheep. You can have your own opinions and beliefs and thoughts and can actually still be civil. Hell, you can still be FRIENDS!! ((Shocking, I know)) And I am all up for a friendly debate. Friendly being the keyword. ((I love a good debate....I was on the debate team in high school!))

You have your opinion. I have mine. No need to spew your shit at me and try to change my mind. (The more you try to do that, the more I actually go the opposite way.) I didn't post anything or really talk to many people about my thoughts on this election, who I wanted to win, or why. It isn't your business for one, and for two, I don't want to fight with you. In fact, the one thing I love about the US of A is that I am allowed to think for myself!! GASP

It is funny how, not so long ago, who you were voting for was a private thing. You may have shared it with a few close friends and family members, but it wasn't something you discussed. (Much like when you have your period or if you had to get a colonoscopy. It was private.) Now everyone tells everyone who they are voting for and why anyone NOT voting for the same person is a fucking moron. I mean, someone I know actually said, "I may not be your friend if you voted for _____". Really?? THAT is what you base your friendships on?? It literally disgusts me to even think about that.

All this has made me realize what a HUGE task I have in raising Bowen and teaching him that being close minded gets you nowhere. And also makes you look like an idiot. It seems that so many people have forgot that the United States is a melting pot. Not everyone was raised the same way, not everyone believes the same thing. We are not a nation of robots programmed to think, speak, and act a certain way. And isn't that a great thing?!

I hope that I can teach Bowen as well as my parents taught me about acceptance, compassion, and what freedom really means. It seems to me that many parents failed at this or maybe their children, who are now adults, seemed to forget those life lessons. I don't expect every single person to agree with every single belief and thought that I have. And I don't agree with a lot of shit people think and believe, but I know that doesn't make the other person wrong necessarily or a bad person at all. All I am saying is, I hope to God my son never acts like some people have been acting lately. It is not only annoying as hell, but it really makes you look stupid.

So...if everyone could go about tweeting and facebooking and instragramming their lunch and what happened during their latest work out, I would really appreciate it. XoXo Yay America! Let's all take a shot!!!

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