I remember when I was a kid and I thought my parents were the meanest people ever. For example...they would never let me get my own phone line. I thought they were SO mean for that. All my friends had their own phone lines. But me...nope. If I got a phone call after 10pm I got in trouble. ((I mean...it wasn't like I dialed my own number)) Or how they wouldn't let me walk from the movie theatre to Rosa's on the weekends. ((I did a few times anyways...oops..lol)) I could go on and on about all of the MEAN, horrible things my parents did to me when I was growing up, but I am sure that would cause some psychological stress or something. (haha) Anyways, the tables have turned and I am now the mean parent.
It seems like every time I turn around I am listening to a whiney/pissed voice say, "THIS IS THE WOOOOOORST!!!"
Here are some of our recent conversations:
Me: Bowen, you need to get up.
Bo: Do we have school today?
Me: Yes.
Bo: ::whimpering::: This is the WORST!!
Me: Bowen, time to get in the tub.
Bo: Ughhh!!!! This is the worst!!!
Me: Hey dude, you need to put your shoes on.
Bo: Can I have a happy meal?
Me: No. You got in trouble at school today, so no.
Bo: MOOOOMMY! ((CRYING)) DIS is the worst!!!
So..as you can see...I am the worst. Everything is the worst. Life is the worst.
I really just want to say to him, "Cheer up, buttercup. Things really will get much worse. You'll have health problems and bills and ex's to look forward to." I don't though. Only because the "Why's" will begin.
Now I know how it feels to be the bad parent. The mean one. Granted, I have always been the mean parent because I'm the only parent. It actually just gets easier, I think. I am not even being a really mean mom yet, so the best (worst?) is yet to come. He better just wait until the grounding for weeks comes! Or the yelling at him in front of his friends! ((What? No..my eye is not twinkling!!))
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