Well another Thanksgiving holiday has come and gone. And I thought about doing a cliche "I Am Thankful For..." blog, but I am sure everyone is as tired of those as they are leftover turkey. ((I sure as shit am.)) So instead of listing off every member of my family and Bowen and Diet Pepsi (among 3000 other things), I have decided to let you know what we did for turkey day.
On Tuesday I went to Bowen's school for their "Parents and Pies" Thanksgiving thingy. It was kind of lame, we all sat around and ate pie. During the pie eating Bowen pulled open my jacket and said, "Hey everybody, look at my mommy's big boobies!!!!" I knew I shouldn't have worn my cleavage showing shirt...but I was also a little hopeful there'd be a hot single dad taking notice. (No such luck) After my moment of being embarrassed it was time for the kids to make taking a 2 hour lunch worth while. All of the kids sat in a circle and said what they were thankful for. There were kids thankful for comic books, legos, God, Jesus, the stars and moon, and then my sweet little angel pie boy said, "I'm really thankful for my Mommy." OMG HEART MELTER!!! How sweet is that?! I mean...I think he had to figure out a way to get out of the dog house for the boob situation...and it worked.
Bowen and I went to Kansas for Thanksgiving. I haven't seen most of my family for like 3 years, so it was well overdue. I was SO excited to see everyone, nervous about traveling with my kiddo, and ready for a little mini-vacay. We had to be at the airport around 5am on Wednesday so my plan was to get a good night's sleep and wake up around 330. Umm..the sleeping did not happen. I literally did not sleep at all. I laid there with my eyes closed...and checked the clock every 17 minutes. We made it to the airport, Bowen was really good on the plane, however pissed that they didn't give him peanuts. He let the flight attendant know it was disappointing.
We made it to Kansas safe and sound...just a little bit tired. I was stoked to see my mom and sister and niece and the rest of the family. I was definitely looking forward to yummy food that I didn't have to cook!! And the drive from the airport to my mom's house ((the four hour drive)) made me realize how happy I am that I got the hell out of dodge. lol (Little town Kansas is good for a visit, but I don't think I could live there now that I have lived in Cali, Dallas, and Vegas)
Thanksgiving was amazing!! I got to see my aunts and uncles and grandma. The family is always entertaining and the food is awesome. I learned a lot about Nascar from my uncles, caught up on the family gossip, and watched the cutest niece ever dance around. We ate, went home and I took a little snooze. It was an all around great day.
Then Friday I went out with my cousin Chelsea. I had a few. I "stabbed" someone with a straw (I am trying to be more bad ass than I really am, it was a little poke lol) and then jumped over a bar to help the bartender only to get escorted out from behind the bar. So it was a good night. ((Seriously....bar owners in Liberal Kansas are so lame..where is their wild side?!?)) Anyways Chely Belly sure knows how to show a lady a night out on the town. I had a blast and it was some great cousin time.
Sunday rolled around and I have to admit...I was ready to come home and sleep in my bed and not have to listen to my son complain about his cousin ruining everything. Which was happening every five minutes. Our flight was delayed on the way home, but only by an hour. When we got home we snuggled up on the couch and watched movies. Ahhh...gotta love laziness.
I was SO tired I went to bed at 9. I was sleeping SOOOOO good. Until suddenly I woke up to the sound of someone vomiting....next to my head. And holy shit...it was actually happening. Bowen, my sweet boy, was spewing all over my bed. I finally got him out of the bed and headed to the bathroom and he collapses ((dramatically)) onto the carpet about a foot from the linoleum in the bathroom and barfs there. (For real...he couldn't make it 12 more inches to where it was easier to clean!?!?) I FINALLY get him into the bathroom and he refuses to puke in the toilet...it has to be into a towel. I mean COME ON!!!!!!!!! Anyways...we spent all night barfing into towels. It was quite eventful. Anyways, I think the puking stopped and we both fell back asleep about 7:30. Then when I woke him up at 9:45 ((I HAD to go get my laptop from the office and do some work)) he was perfectly fine.
Don't get me wrong..I was really worried about him and felt bad for him. I only had to do 4 loads of laundry and scrub 289 square feet of pukey floor...but he feels better and that is the most important thing. And I love his squishy little face.
SO......we made it to Kansas and had a good time. I was really excited to get back to Vegas for the first time in 2 years. Bowen got a gross tummy virus to top off the trip. And ya'll didn't even have to read another blog or facebook post about the 28 things someone else is thankful for.