I am a first time parent. Therefore, I am learning as I go. I mean..kids don't come with a manual. And even if they did, I wouldn't read it. So basically...Bowen is my parenting expirement. I am sure my second child will be much more stable and balanced.
I watched the movie, The Runaways, a few weeks ago. I love Joan Jett, so I definitely loved The Runaways. And downloaded a few songs on my iPod immediately after watching the movie. One of the songs is Cherry Bomb. Bowen has now begun to request this song every time we get into the car. And sings along...randomly..and even in random places...like the bathroom at the Home Goods store. I have awesome taste in music...I listen to everything, but have always been more of a rocker. (How can you not love Jimi Hendrix or Eric Clapton or Slipknot? Wait..you don't know who they are? Hold on...I have to re-evaluate our friendship) And hope and pray that Bowen has been blessed in the same way. SO far....it looks good. But it does make me giggle when my three year old sings, "Hewo Daddy, hewo mom. I'm your ch-ch-ch-ch-cherry bomb!!!" I am ready for him to learn the next line and watch heads turn as he says, "Hewo world I'm your wiiiild girl! I'm your ch-ch-ch-ch-cherry bomb!" I am really, really, really trying to get him into "Satisfaction" by The Rolling Stones. THAT will be a true milestone in Bowen's love for music. However...I have heard of parents not allowing their kids to listen to said types of music. Now..I could launch into a WHOLE speech about this bullshit..but I will spare you. Anyways, I have seen the eyes of the moms staring at me as we jam out in the mornings at daycare (because we can't get out of the car until the song is over) and I only have one thing to tell those types of people....in the words of Ludacris, "Get out my business, my biz-nasssss. Stay the f*&% up out my biz-nass!" ((Didn't know I was so gangsta did ya??))
On Saturday I decided to take us all to the movies. Bowen went to a movie like a year and a half ago with my mom. But since I was not present I refuse to admit he has already been to a movie. So...Saturday I took Bowen to the movies for the first time! I was SOOO excited..and Bowen was super excited about the popcorn. We went to see Gnomeo and Juliet. We got seated and the quiet previews with all the lights were on. Bowen was munching away on popcorn..also known as copcorn..and I was STOKED. And then the lights went out and a preview blared. He jumped. Jason and I both laughed. Anyways..the movie is going good. Bowen has only been slightly loud a few times and I was thinking that I had made a wise investment. Then...halfway through the movie...he practically yells, "Ok I am bored. Can we go now?" I was like WTF?!? I was really enjoying the movie. So Jason and him went potty or something and came back to watch the rest of the movie. So....60 bucks later...I now know not to take him to the movies for another 6 months. Maybe a year. Just for good measure. (60 bucks is like a pair and a half of shoes from ShoeDazzle. Bowen owes me!)
And now...Bowen's hair. I mean you probably look at the picture above and think, "Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. What a ragamuffin!!!" Well here is the real reason why he looks so gross. He wanted to grow his hair out..and Jason thinks I should let him..until it gets hot outside. Bowen has always played with people's hair. Since he was a baby he had to have his fingers in someone's hair when he was tired or asleep. I think its sweet and cute. Now he has hair of his own to play with so now I feel bad thinking about cutting it off. But he looks so ridiculous right now!! Now my family doesn't approve..and Jason may not either...but I really, really, really want to mohawk his hair again. He looks so cute and tough when he has a hawk! And we get to dye it blue and stuff! I mean really...I am always changing my hair..what makes you think it would be any different with my kids???
And let me end on a note of violence. (Spartacus has really rubbed off on me) A few weeks ago Bowen got in trouble at school. He punched a little boy in the face. And got put on a break. BUT he did tell the kid he was sorry. So I come home from work and Jason drops this on me and is really upset that Bowen did it. I, on the other hand, need a few more details. Why did he punch the kid? What did the other kid do? How do we know the other kid didn't instigate this? WHERE ARE THE DETAILS? Of course he didn't have any. (And he probably brought home the wrong jacket that day too.) And I was too late the next morning to ask. But either way...I am SURE the other kid had it coming.
Really...our life is not THAT exciting. I haven't had my boob pulled out in public lately. (By Jason..not Bowen. Kidding..Kidding!) Bowen hasn't yelled out the F word in front of anyone. He may have punched a kid...but I am pretty sure he wasn't just punchin kids because they were there. Really..it has been just another day in paradise. A paradise filled with bruises, temporary tattoos, and lots and lots of doritos. Like I said...there isn't a manual.
LOL reading your blogs crack me up girl! I wouldn't read the manual either, even if there was one. I think you are doing a terrific job with Bo-Maester and since my opinion is so looked up to (not) I say screw the people who shoot disapproving looks at you. Keep 'em coming. I learn alot from your life lol!