Here is your warning....if you can't handle bodily functions talk..don't read.
Now that you have been warned...here goes...
Tuesday morning I got a call from daycare saying Bowen puked...alot. It was like 9:15..So Jason and I discussed who should leave work and he said he would. (I argued a lot. I feel like..as a mom..I should be the one home when the kid is sick. Number one, its my kid. Number two, mommys are better at comforting. Number three, I don't get grossed out over puke or shit..from him) Anyways, Jason takes Bowen home and I am checking in constantly...because I am not only concerned about my sick baby..but how Jason will handle him.
Jason and I are talking over an IM..this is the convo
J: Sooo Bowen is taking a nasty poo...
S: Eewwwww
ten minutes later
J: I have a story..
S: A good one or bad one?
J: Bowen just took the grossest poop. I knew it was going to be bad from the noise. So he finishes and stands up, looks in the toilet and smiles. Then comes over to me, his eyes all shiny with excitement and says, "I made a mountain!!!!"
Of course I thought it was HILARIOUS!!! Where the hell do kids come up with this shit??? (and not the literal shit..I know where that comes from) A mountain? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA
So I come home a few hours later. Guess what he runs up to me and says...
"Mooommy!!! I made a MOUNTAIN!!!!"
I said, "A mountain of poo???"
He says, "YEP!!" and was so happy.
I wish things like a good poop made me that happy. Ohh to be three again!
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