Saturday, May 23, 2015

Rambling On

You has been a long time since I have blogged. I am bad at this apparently. Anyways, I have a new goal. And that is...with summer fast approaching (lawd help me)...I am going to try my hardest to blog on the daily. That being said...please send me your ideas and topics of interest. Because I am really (obviously) not that interesting.

Moving right along...

Have you ever had one of those days where your kids are just evil spawns? Like they don't ever shut up. And they have all this energy. And they cry and whine and annoy you? All day long. Every single minute. Every single, slow second. So the day never ends. Because that was my entire day today. And I have a clogged duct in my boob. Which makes me even crankier. Anyways, I was in close relation to Oscar the Grouch today. ((This blog is brought to you by the letter F and U)) Let's face it. Kids can be obnoxious as fuck. YOUR kid(s) can be obnoxious as fuck. And if you're denying're not my friend. (maybe you are...whatever) babies are now sleeping. And Grey's Anatomy is on. And I just ate a really great salad and piece of pecan pie. So all is right with the world. Except for my boob. That boob is really pissing me the fuck off.

Anyways, enough rambling...this is my first summer as a stay at home mom. I'm not going to lie. I am slightly terrified. I love my kids. I love my kids more than life itself. BUT I don't know how to do it. What are we going to do all day? And what if Bowen acts like he did today...but like..every day....for the whole summer? How will I survive? How will HE survive?

Here is the deal. I am getting used to this stay at home mommy thing. I truly cannot imagine having to put little Endie in daycare or with a babysitter. (I have read WAY too many scary articles lately) I am loving (and also hating slightly) the breastfeeding thing. As much as I try to pump, I just am not getting enough to feed a baby for an entire day. So I have the baby all day mommying down, but not the eight year old all day mommying. So again...suggestions welcomed. (We are not doing day camp please don't suggest that)

This is what I have realized about this whole motherhood shindig. It is a learning experience every day. It is also a challenge every day. Every. Single. Day. Some days your babies are little magnificent angels. Some days they are awful little energy syphoning midgets. But every day, we can learn something new. Even if it is just that you learned (remembered) tomorrow is a new day.

Also...remember to snuggle and smooch those little assholes. I mean, it may be after they have been peacefully sleeping for a few hours and you've had a glass of wine and hot shower. But go smooch them. Tell them you love them. And remember we don't get this day back.

And just as important is remembering that you are only human. You get to have a bad day. A day when you literally cannot handle another meltdown or the question, "Why?" being asked one more time. You are human. And not every day is going to perfect. Just let them know that you love them. You are sorry for not having patience or whatever it is you did wrong. And a new day.

That being said...I have to go put a hot, damp diaper (clean) on my boob and massage it. And enjoy some Grey's before I get outvoted on it. And maybe eat another piece of pie. Because this day has kicked my big, fat ass.